Human-Grade dog treats created from the same meat that you get from the grocery store.

No Additives or Preservatives.

A number of years ago we realized our dogs had some dietary restrictions, and there were lots of recalls on dog treats such as chicken fillets, especially from China.  We already had a handle on what their food contained, but knew we had to be sure of what was in their treats as well. The only way that we could guarantee that was to create our own. 

So we bought some chicken breasts and beef sirloin from the local grocery store, and sliced the raw breasts and sirloin into fillets and dehydrated them.  And voila!  Healthy treats with no preservatives or additives that the dogs loved. 

Two of our dogs, Fizz and Stoney, are athletes and compete in performance events such as agility, earthdog and coursing.  We use the treats while training, as well as post competition rewards.  We’ve shared our treats with the other competitors, and their dogs have loved them as well. So we decided to make the treats available to everyone.

Don’t have a dog that competes?  Not to worry.  Non-competitors love them too.  Willow, our couch potato and competition spectator, highly recommends them.